Good writing means that you can transfer a verbal idea to readers effectively. This skill is even important in the smartphone and internet era. You must have good writing skills if you are a blogger, write a caption or status on social media account, and even texting via messaging applications. So, how to write good writing for a variety of purposes? Check the tips you can apply below.
Secrets of How to Write Good Writing
How to Write Good #1: Write A Complete Sentence
You are writing a complete sentence if it consists of a subject, a verb, and an independent clause. It is a standard where people will understand your writing even if you don’t write additional information. Let say I read a book is a complete sentence. People understand what you are writing about and even visualize it in their minds
#2. Involves Emotion in Your Writing
You must give the emotion in your writing. You will learn about it when you are looking for how to write good lyrics or other artworks, including poems, short stories, and novels. The idea of giving emotion in a writing is to let readers feel the things you write.
Nowadays, writing with emotion is not only for artworks, but also for business writings, such as copywriting and marketing. For example, do you feel tired of the black spots around your face? Try this product. It helps to reduce black spots for only a week. Say goodbye with the black spots and get your confidence back.
This writing uses the tired feeling of people who have black spots on their skin for so long. Then, it also offers a solution for them that may make them happy.
#3. Make Your Writing Easy to Imagine
People or readers love to read the writings that easy to imagine in their mind. Your readers understand your sentences if they can imagine the message you want to deliver through the writing. Imagine that a single sentence can be more powerful when there is a powerful visual attached to it.
#4. Keep Your Sentences Simple
Writing a complex and long sentence doesn’t mean that it is powerful. A single and short sentence can be more powerful if you make it simple. Make sure that you know your target audience. Then, decide the best writing styles that your readers will be comfortable with it.
The simpler and easier the message, the better the communication between you and your readers. So, learn how to write a simple sentence is the key to how to write good writing.
#5. Use Good Grammar
Grammar is also one of the most crucial elements of good writing. It seems useless if you can create a simple sentence without considering the grammar. Writing sentences that grammatically error will make readers get confused and even fail to understand your message.
That’s why you have to consider the use of tenses, passive voice, run-on sentences, and typos. Grammar is crucial for all writings, including if you want to learn how to write a good essay. It is even more important in academic writings.
#6. Use Punctuations Correctly
Grammar is not the only thing you need to consider, but also the use of punctuation. You have to know when you have to stop the sentence. It seems that you give a rhythm in your writing when you are putting the right periods, commas, hyphens, semi-colons, and other punctuation tools.
Different punctuation gives a different meaning to the sentences. “I’m okay.”, “I’m okay!”, and “Am I okay?” have different meanings and feelings in a text.
#7. Consider the Length of the Sentence
It is better not to write a long sentence of more than 14 words. The shorter the sentence, the better. A short sentence is easy to read and fast. Reading long sentences for a few minutes will make you get tired or bored.
#8. Be Specific and Focus on the Reader
Know your reader first before writing something. Let say in copywriting or marketing, you have to focus on the benefits of the products and service. Then, imagine that you are having a cozy conversation with your reader. Write it in your writing.
People can emotionally touch when they are related to the text they read. Make sure that you write the point of the message you are about to deliver. Indeed, you have to think about how to write those points attractively.
#9. Apply Writing Theories on Your Writing
Learn writing theories as much as you can and apply them based on the text you want to write. You can apply metaphors, parallelism, and other theories. The writing theories will make your writing look more powerful. Readers can also feel the message you want to deliver from the writing.
The most important thing is that it triggers readers to read your writing from the beginning until the end. It gives a feel in your text instead of writing with the same style all the time.
Read also:
5 Writing Tips For Beginners
#10. Read
So, how can you get a variety of words, writing styles, and idioms? Reading! You may read any kind of information to broaden your knowledge. Try to read specific information if you are about to write something.
The more references you get from the reading, the deeper your writing. It seems that you are an expert on the topic. The best part is that you can discuss the topic specifically and in detail in your writing. It is important for academic writings. You are not only trying to write something attractive, but also based on the facts and data.
The last thing to do is practice. The more you write, the more you understand your writing styles, strengths, and even weaknesses. Try to improve your knowledge on how to write better sentences from the experts who successfully influence so many people only because of their writings.
Don’t forget to analyze and edit your writing before you submit or using it. Try to find other words or phrases if they are too monotonous. You can even delete and replace the sentences if it is necessary. Then, take the feedback from the readers and fix it on your next writings. You will be a good and expert writer by following the steps consistently.