As a publisher, you may have felt aggrieved by the UC browser that blocking your ads, resulting in less advertising revenue. Therefore, we want to share tricks or how to redirect automatically every your article that viewed by the visitor in UC browser will be redirected to chrome at Android device.
The trick is to use the script. But this is not anti-Adblock scripts.
- Copy this script:
[php]<script type=’text/javascript’>
var noUC = navigator.userAgent;
var redirect ="UCBrowser");
if(redirect>1) {
var axefo = window.location.assign("googlechrome://navigate?url="+ window.location.href);
var activity = axefo;document.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0].appendChild(activity);}
2. Put under the head of your blog.
3. Done.
How to Redirect Your Web Visitor from UC Browser to Chrome?Thank you very much for reading How to Redirect Your Web Visitor from UC Browser to Chrome? Hopefully useful.