There are many ways that can be done to market a product or service to customers, one of them is by direct marketing. In short, direct marketing is marketing strategy carried out directly by the business owner/marketer to attract customers.
There are many ways to do this with direct marketing. Besides face-to-face, another strategy of direct marketing is to use communication media, such as telephone, SMS, to email e-mail. Check out the review from Rumahweb Indonesia below!
What is Direct Marketing?
Direct marketing is one of the most effective strategies to increase sales. Simply, direct marketing is a marketing strategy that is carried out without a third party, so that the marketing process, bargaining, and buying and selling transactions become more dynamic.
Before technology developed massively, direct marketing done face-to-face, for example, offers by sales by door-to-door or through a demo done in one location.
Along with the development of technology, direct marketing is also growing and has been widely found in various platform modern, for example, with telemarketing, email marketing, direct-response broadcasting, website, social media, to SMS blast to the cell phone of a potential customer or prospect.
Have you ever received an offer from a bank or insurance product? Banking and insurance are two types of business lines that often carry out strategies direct marketing. If you have ever received a similar product offer, then you have become the target of the strategy direct marketing.
Read more:
9 Direct Marketing Types, Benefits, and Goals
Benefits of Direct Marketing
Direct marketing is a marketing strategy that is widely applied by brand or company because it has been proven to be one of the most effective marketing strategies in the past.
Not only that, direct marketing also brings several benefits to the company, including:
Reaching Customers Quickly
Other benefits of direct marketing is its ability to reach customers more quickly.
Not only reaching customers who have already purchased your product, this strategy can also reach potential customers, to help boost sales turnover.
Save on Marketing Budget
Because it is done without a third party intermediary, direct marketing relatively more cost-effective when compared to other marketing strategies. With direct marketing, companies can set their own target campaigns, according to their needs.
Usually, direct marketing will directly target customers who are considered potential, for example, those who are interested in or have previously used similar products or services.
Responses Obtained Directly from Customers
Further benefits of direct marketing is that you can immediately get a response from customers, in the form of using services or purchasing products, as well as take advantage of discounts or other forms of promotions offered.
Not only the response in the form of purchasing products or services only. Other responses that are not directly related to income can also be a measure of the success of the direct marketing strategy! For example, engaging in social media.
Increasing Customer Loyalty
The direct marketing method has also proven to be effective in maintaining good relations between the company and its customers.
Companies can take a “personal” approach to customers by asking customer needs, providing solutions, and asking for information feedback or testimonials that can form bonds to increase customer loyalty.
Tools Used
There are many tools that can be used to carry out marketing strategies direct marketing. Here we summarize some tools which you can try.
E-mail Becomes platform or direct marketing tools the most popular today. Amount brand Large companies have also used email marketing as their main strategy, one of which is Google.
Use e-mail marketing will show a professional and a personal impression to customers. In addition, you can also insert attractive posters to special discounts in your website e-mail marketing.
For those of you who need email marketing as a promotional media or notification to all customers, one of the services we recommend is DirectMail. Besides being guaranteed to have a high and stable conversion rate, this service is also supported by sharing email protocols such as console access, API and SMTP.
- SMS Blast
Besides e-mail, tools others that are popular enough to be used in direct marketing is SMS blast.
SMS blast classified as direct marketing tools which is quite affordable. By using SMS blast, You can convey information directly to consumers in the form of product or service info, promotions, official links, and so on.
- Telemarketing
The next tool that can be used for direct marketing strategy is a telephone or known as telemarketing. Profit from the tools it is very personal and interactive in nature.
With telemarketing, you can also answer urgent consumer needs, for example related to technical issues. You can also make direct sales by offering services or upgrade services assessed according to customer requirements.
Tools This one is still widely applied, especially by banking and insurance companies, in product and service offerings.
- Social media
In addition to variety tools above, social media are also included in tools which is often used to do direct marketing.
Social media marketing has the advantage of reaching customers all over the world easily. Lots brand world-renowned who manages social media accounts for branding and special offers to his followers.
Direct Marketing Strategies
Apart from determining the tools that will be used, you also need to choose the most appropriate direct marketing strategy to do, including:
- One Step Approach
The first strategy of direct marketing is one-step approach. This strategy is used directly for optimizing objectives, such as increasing sales or database customer.
One-step approach usually used if the company already understands the characteristics of the needs of their customers or target market.
- Two Step Approach
Just as the name suggests, there are two stages to go through if you want to use a strategy two-step approach.
First, you have to screen potential potential customers, who are judged to have an interest in the product or service. Second, do follow-up in the form of sending offers, to produce output in the form of sales.
- Direct Marketing Media
The next strategy that can be tried from direct marketing is to use a variety of media owned. For example, using email marketing, print media, telemarketing, until direct selling or direct sales face to face.
Direct marketing is one of the marketing strategies that is timeless, even still very effective to implement. This is the explanation about direct marketing. May be useful!