Mobile phone explodes is unwanted by you is not it? Moreover, if the mobile phone exploding while being close to us or when being used. Many news is already circulating about the dangers of cell phones exploding. Typically, a cell phone could explode when conditions are charged and then used to play games, listen to the music, and also a call, or the occurrence of short circuit due to the electric voltage in the HP and exposed to the bathroom water.
If the cell phone explodes due to charged and left to sleep. Meanwhile, the condition of mobile phone battery is not known. Perhaps, because of the heat the battery, because of the heat of the battery, the battery eventually exploded.
Cell phone battery explosion causesWhy smartphone can explode and catch fire? Generally, electronic devices and computers and smartphones in particular, requires a large amount of electrical energy, which ultimately makes the device generates heat.
Actually, heat on an electronic device is reasonable, it’s just that at a certain point, the excess heat could damage the device or worse, can be harmful.
In any electronic device, there is a small, sensitive components. On the laptop and the smartphone, the components become smaller, making them more sensitive to heat. Not normal temperature can melt the plastic insulation and even some metals such as Tin, for example. When this happens, the gadget will be damaged and can sometimes be dangerous.
Cell phone battery explosion causes
Here are Cell phone battery explosion causes.
Using your smartphone while charged.
Experts and producers, both of which strongly suggest not to use your phone while it is charging. Charging will generate a lot of heat, and the combination of heat due to charging with heat will harm the user.
Using the charger not original.
Manufacturers always remind users to use only the original charger. The reason is not because they want to monopolize the sale of accessories, but because when using the charger imitations, they cannot guarantee the standards of suitability and safety of the charger.
Smartphone manufacturers usually do cooperation with charger manufacturer supplied, they recommend and use the original components. If you are using Apple products, look for products that have a label bearing the “Made for iPhone/iPad”, the product uses are original and licensed. Experts warn that the devices are most sensitive to the non-original charger is the iPhone 5.
Using a car charger which is not original.
Using the car charger was very sensitive. Shift the car plugs due to continuous shaking can cause electricity to flow with the unstable even could make the device shorting.
Using the tablet charger for smartphone.
This factor is more important to note if you have an Apple product. The iPad uses the current 2.1 A while the iPhone just uses 1A. Apple claims it’s not too are at risk of damaging your iPhone, but they warned if your iPhone will be a fast heat, and cause unwanted side effects.
Charge the battery for too long.
Testing conducted by experts showed that the battery charging too long will reduce the efficiency of the battery. If the battery still has 80% power, do not charge it, it is better until it runs out of power. The battery charged when the power has been completely 0% will help extend the battery’s efficiency and life.
Use a battery that is not original.
Most Android devices allow you to remove and replace the battery. Make sure you buy a new battery or a battery backup that is original. A non-original battery despite cheaper usually quality will be lower, which means the battery will not be durable and could even trigger the battery exploded.
Using the old battery.
It is very important to replace your cell phone battery that has been aged. The indicator is that when your battery runs out in a day, it’s time to change. For security, it would be wise when you replace it once a year.
Using the battery with physical defects.
Damage or physical defects (such as bulging batteries) can cause the batteries leak and can trigger explosions when in contact with a source of electricity, this is due to the liquid in the battery are highly flammable. If you buy a new battery, make sure there are no dents, swellings, cracks or leaks in sight.
Thank you very much for reading Cell phone battery explosion causes, hopefully useful.