Namco Bandai has announced that Dragon Ball series, Xenoblade 2 will be coming soon for Nintendo switches, certainly to promote the game, Bandai Namco has also released a commercial that showed video footage “gimmick” of Kamehameha’s style that can be issued by using the Joy-con.
Through short videos, you can see how the features contained on the Joy-con will be able to give you a new experience in playing Dragon Ball Xenoblade 2 than usual. The video looks at how the player will be able to issue a Kamehameha stance by using Joy-con.
Dragonball Xenoverse 2 (By Marco Verch (Dragonball Xenoverse 2) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons)On Dragon Ball Xenoblade 2 version of this Switch will support the ad-hoc play, motion control, and a fight between two players using Joy-Con controllers. Either, whether this game will damage because because of the intensity of the fight on Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 game.
Bandai Namco itself has confirmed Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 will be released for Nintendo Switch on September 22, 2017 Here’s an excerpt of a commercial video you can see.