How To Type Faster With 10 Fingers – Typing 10 fingers is one of the quick typing methods on your computer keyboard. The ability to type using both hands and ten fingers is known as 10-finger typing skills. By typing 10 fingers you can use your computer keyboard efficiently.
Typing 10 fingers requires some practice and the correct position of the finger. The 10-finger typing is usually taught to train typist to help them type quickly. People who are skilled at typing 10 fingers will be able to type quickly without looking at the keyboard.
If this 10-finger typing is applied regularly, you’ve developed typing skills with the touch of two hands through muscle memory. Typing 10 fingers of your job will look more professional.
How To Type Faster With 10 Fingers
Place Finger Position Correctly
The basic concept of how to type quickly is to place the fingers of the hand on the keyboard keys. Your left radius is placed on the lettered keys A, S, D and F.
Then your right radius is on the buttons lettered J, K, L and ?. Then both your thumbs are on the space bar. The point between the finger of the left hand and the finger of the right hand does not cross.
Place your left finger on the keyboard:
- Pinkie = A
- Ring Finger = S
- Middle Finger = D
- Index Finger = F
- Thumb = Space
Place your right finger on the keyboard:
- Pinkie = ?
- Ring Finger = L
- Middle Finger = K
- Index Finger = J
- Thumb = Space.
Try not to see the keyboard
You need to try typing using 10 fingers without looking at the keyboard. It can indeed make more mistakes at first. However, over time, this will be an amazing trick to improve speed and accuracy, improving 10 finger typing skills.
Pay Attention to Sitting Position While Typing
Body position and sitting play an important role in typing 10 fingers. Besides being good for health, sitting position and body are also very important in typing. Some things to note are the relaxed but not bent back. The position of the head should not bend or lean too much forward.
The position of the thighs should also be considered a good position is horizontal, parallel to the floor. The soles of the feet tread to the ground, do not let the feet hang either by accident or because the bench is too high.
And change the sitting position periodically during the work, because sitting in a fixed position for a long period of time can cause discomfort, occasionally waking up looking for fresh air then sitting back. Do not forget to provide enough mineral water near you so that you do not forget the activities called drinking.
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Learn Shortcut Keys
Typing 10 Fingers has The Way, It’s a Technique Suitable For Beginners – Learn Shortcut Keys
In windows, there are certain keys that can be combined to be a shortcut in doing any activity on the keyboard. If you learn these shortcut keys to be proficient, you will certainly not need a mouse anymore.
Here are some of the most frequently used shortcuts:
- Ctrl + C = Copy
- Ctrl + X = Cut
- Ctrl + V = Paste
- Ctrl + Z = Undo
- Ctrl + S = Save
- Ctrl + F = Word search
- Ctrl + A = Highlight everything
- Shift + Right or Left Arrow = highlight of the letters next to it
- Ctrl + Shift + Right or Left Arrow = Highlight the word next to it
- Ctrl + Right or Left Arrow = Move the cursor to the next word without highlights
- Home = Go to the beginning of the line
- End = Go to the end of the line
- Page Up = Scroll up
- Page Down = Scroll down
- Alt + Tab = Move to the next window
- Alt + Shift + Tab = Move to the previous window
- Alt + F4 = Close the currently open window
In addition, you can also use shortcuts while browsing. Take a look at the buttons below.
- Ctrl + Tab = Move to the next tab
- Ctrl + Shift + Tab = Move to the previous tab
- Ctrl + T = New tab face
- Ctrl + W = Close the currently opened tab
- Ctrl + Shift + T = Open a recently closed tab
- Ctrl + R = Refresh the page
- Ctrl + N = Opens a new browser window
- Backspace = Back to previous page
- Shift + Backspace = Go to the next page
Keep practicing
Practice makes everything perfect, including especially when it comes to typing. This is because typing relies largely on the memory of those muscles and those muscles take time to adjust to the new technique. The more you practice, the faster you become good at typing 10 fingers.