Fraud perpetrators can steal your identity if they get a piece of your personal information such as full name, date of birth, email address, street address, telephone number, credit card numbers, social security numbers, bank account numbers, driver’s license number, or a similar data. They do not need all to cause you trouble, just some details might be enough for them to charge to your credit card or take out a bank loan on your behalf.
Many identity theft occurs through fraud personally or theft of wallets and purses, but some can happen online. This is how important it is to keep Your personal information or secrets on the Internet. Here are some way to prevent identity theft:
How To Prevent Identity Theft (Illustration/pixabay)Do not use email for sensitive data.
Please do not send credit card numbers, social security numbers, bank account numbers, driver’s license number, or similar details in email, which are generally not secure. Imagine the email as a postcard — people can see what is written in it if they try hard.
Be suspicious of any company that asks for this type of information via email or instant message. Most of the official company will never ask you to confirm your sensitive data in an online form or via email; Instead, they will use postal mail to ask for this information.
Socializing safely online
Message boards, community sites, blogs, and social networking website is the perfect place to express your views and socialize with people. But remember, this site is a public site, so anyone can see what is posted. Whatever you say will soon be published, and it is almost impossible to remove it. If you write down your name, email address, and other contact information on the Web, everyone can see and use it.
Post photos online can be fun and also to socialize, but it can also be seen by the public. If your photo does not want to be seen by everyone, post the photo on a website that lets you limit who can see the photos. People who want to see your photos must register on the website. And when you want to post a photo in General, please do not post pictures that display personal information.
Thank you very much for reading How To Prevent Identity Theft, hopefully useful.