By using the technology of the Cloudflare, your website can work better. Optimization of the speed, security, to SEO you can do using this feature. The security of your website will be more secure, protected from the threat of hackers, malware and DDOS that caused the overload. Here are the benefits of CLoudflare you will get
Cloudflare is a CDN (Content Delivery Network) that features better than the standard CDN has to offer. There are many advantages and also some disadvantages of CloudFlare. Cloudflare is a CDN that is halfway between a domain name and web hosting. Cloudflare provides additional security for DDoS attacks, in addition to the static cache is also a source which makes the website load faster
Benefit of Cloudflare
Benefit of cloudflare (By Cloudflare, Inc. [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons)- Pointing time/DNS changes more quickly.
By using the Cloudflare, your website does not experience downtime when doing DNS propagation.
- Save Bandwidth.
Website caching technologies at Cloudflare will save Your bandwidth usage. After the Cloudflare caching, visitors will get the cached website without having to load page script directly from your server.
- Website Spared from SPAM.
Cloudflare will protect your website from SPAM.
- Protect from DDOS and Hacker.
DDOS attacks resulting in the high request data that will overload your server. The impact of these attacks can be dealt with using the Cloudflare.
- Support the use of HTTP/2.
Cloudflare supports the use of http/2 which will maximize the security on your website.
- Hide your original IP address of web hosting so that hackers cannot attack the server.
- Create a cache of the site so that the resources of the site to load faster and reduce your server load.
- If the site is down, CloudFlare will continue to serve the cached data until the site is up again.
- Cloudflare offers free services and allows us to add multiple domains at once.
- We can block the access to the site from a particular region or country, if you receive a lot of attacks from certain countries.
- Provide free SSL, which can also be used on a shared host.
Thank you very much for reading Benefit of Cloudflare, hopefully useful.