Tips On Save Stocks For The Millennial Generation – Many millennials spend their time and money, whether to spend shopping for contemporary products or used to gather with friends. Surely it can be self-harming and cannot prepare finances in adulthood.
Credit card shopping habits are claimed to be one of the reasons millennials have difficulty investing, including saving stock. Because, with credit cards, they can freely shop more than they need.
In addition, millennial friendship styles are more expensive than previous generations. Because, they live with prestige and are based on others. Then, traveling habits also often cost a lot.
Tips On Save Stocks For The Millennial Generation
Perform stock analysis
Analysis of the company’s stock should be known by every investor, as this knowledge will be the basis of investors about the company’s performance in a period and can estimate its investment plans. In stock analysis, there are 2 basic methods, namely:
- Technical analysis is an analysis that uses market trade data (price and volume) which is then manipulated in such a way that it forms several well-known indicators such as MACD, Fibonacci, RSI, Bollinger Band, and so on.
- Fundamental analysis is an analysis that uses financial report data of companies which shares are listed on the stock exchange to be used to determine whether the stocks being analyzed fall into a category worth buying or should be shunned.
Don’t let emotions affect your decisions
The next Tips On Save Stocks For The Millennial Generation is don’t let emotions affect your decisions.
The most successful investor, Warren Buffet, once said that you don’t need high intelligence, great business thinking, or inside information. More importantly, the foundation for making decisions and the ability to keep your emotions from affecting the foundation.
For example, to lower the level of risk, you should not invest more than 25 percent of your wealth in one sector alone. Besides, making decisions out of emotion will make you do stupid things. However, if your decision is based on certain common sense, principles, and standards, you don’t have to worry about missing a step.
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Always follow market trends
Investors should also always be up to date on what can affect their stocks. In this case, investors should look from the side of the government and companies. From the government side, what should be known is what steps or policies a country’s government is taking regarding trade, whether there is news that can affect the companies we invest in or not, not only domestically but also international policies such as rising petroleum prices.
On the corporate side, we have to look at how the company performs by looking at influential corporate policies or there are reports of companies that are not good like corruption or going out of business.
Invest in productive assets
The next Tips On Save Stocks For The Millennial Generation is invest in productive assests.
When you choose to invest in stocks, don’t just buy stocks based on their value. This is usually done by traders to pursue short-term profits. The risk is obviously high.
Conversely, if you choose productive stock assets, which means that the company pays dividends or investment interest period, you can enjoy a new source of income. In addition, such companies will also be more diligent and focused on pursuing income because they have responsibilities to shareholders.
Create your own risks
In the case of investment, there is no follow-up term, investors should make a plan and risk from the beginning to the end. Do not let investors lose just because others sell a lot of stocks, while when the return rises even have no investment. Always thinking about how good the company is.
Investors must be able to face the risks they receive. In addition, a good investor is he who invests in a targeted company. Investors routinely stock up on a period and it is not recommended to invest in companies with different companies only knowing which stocks are trending either at a glance or following others.