Generation z age range
Generation z age range is the age group that was born after the Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964), Generation X (born 1965-1976) and generation Y (born 1977-1995).
The main characteristic of generation Z
The main characteristic of generation Z is in the digital natives category. It makes their position very interesting compared to the predecessor generation. They are not digital immigrants who must transition from the analogue world.
So literacy, in the grips of generation Z already exists on the internet. They don’t amaze at the ease and practicality of the internet. For them, the internet is a normality. The Internet is a part of everyday life that does not need to make a murmur..
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Reasons why we should limit the use of technology in Children.
History of Generatin Z.
In the essay entitled “The Problem of Generation,” sociologist Mannheim introduces his theory about the generation. According to him, human in this world will affect each other and form the same characters because through socio-history of the same period. That is, human during The World War II era and the post-WWII man definitely has a different character, although mutual influence.
According to the theory of the science of sociology, sociologists dividing generations of modern humans in some era of generation, namely:
- War Generation
- Classic War Generation
- World War I generation.
- World War II Generation
- Generation Of Post-War World War II.
- Generation of the Depression Age
- Baby Boomer Generation. (Born in the Year Range < 1960)
This generation was born in the periods in which the numerous wars have ended so necessary rearrangement of life and many families having many children.
In addition, the economy and the population growth is beginning to rise. Customs are still held and undeveloped slank.
People at that time still tend to “old-fashioned” and very mature in decision making.
- Generation X (Year of birth 1961-1980).
This generation tend to prefer the risks and a mature decision making result of parenting from the previous generation, the Baby Boomers.
This generation was born in the time of existence of turmoil and transition as well as witness the various global conflicts like the cold war, Viet Nam War, the fall of the Berlin wall. This generation tends to be more tolerant, accepting the differences that exist.
In addition, in terms of information technology, this generation is getting to know the name of the computer so that this generation of innovative thinking starting to simplify people’s lives.
- Generation Y. The millennial generation, which also had another name for generation Y, is a group of humans who have born over the years 1980 ‘s to 1997. They are called the millennial generation because they only ever passed through the second millennium since this generation theory was first blown by Karl Mannheim in 1923.
- Generation Z. Generation Z is the generation that was born in the year 1995 until the year 2010. Generation Z is the generation after generation Y, this generation is the generation of a transitional Generation Y with technology that is increasingly growing. Some of them are descended from Generations X and Y.
- Alpha generation.
The generation born between the year 2011 to 2025 has a character that is different from the previous generation, Z. The age of Alpha generation is indeed not as potent as the Z generation in terms of consumption and shopping for the moment. However, marketers should be prepared because the alpha generation will take over the world in the future.
In the hands of the millennial, the world changed: from the hand of Mark Zuckerberg, who is now 33 years old, Facebook was born and transformed into one of the most influential social media ever.
YouTube turns into commonplace everyday habits. Music is no longer about releasing albums in the form of cassettes, CDs, or Vinyls. Working hours no longer monotonous started at 9 am and end at 5, go to the office does not have to be slippery.. Office design also becomes more open, more relaxed, and full of toys.
Thank you very much for reading Generation z age range, hopefully useful.